Dont call me up i might let you down
Dont call me up i might let you down

One night, I was awakened by this tremendous force penning me down in my bed. Here is my story: The first time I experienced this, my best friend and I had moved into a trailer we were renting. It's scary as hell and it's real! I have a history of epilepsy, so I'm fully aware of what a sleep paralysis (aka seizure) feels like.I've had those, too.they are in NO way similar to what I feel when this happens. As a matter of fact, I've had the same experiences several times. I've read about sleep paralysis, and what I'm reading here does NOT sound like that at all.

dont call me up i might let you down dont call me up i might let you down

The last couple of weeks I have had 4 times that I have been held down and it is totally terrifying and every time there is this sound its like a humming groaning noise.I try to scream or yell my hardest and nothing comes out.The noise comes from behind me and I try to turn to see and I cannot move a muscle no matter how hard I try.I am awoken by something and I am awake when this is happening to me and can see my room clearly not dreaming it is so terrifying when this is happening.It has happen throughout my life I am 44yo now and don't scare easily and this is a terrifying thing.Last night it happened again 5/25/11 I was awaken thought I was falling out of bed and in my head I said "Oh damn Im falling out of bed" and was ready to hit the floor and it took like 10sec before I stopped feeling like I was falling I was face down on the floor then I felt like I was being held down could not move or yell no matter how hard I tried I could hear that sound again and realized its happening again I could see the light shining from under me bedroom door I was awake the sound was in front of me I tried to look to see what was there and saw part of a black shadow it had movement with that humming groaning noise and for some reason I was let go I was freaked out and turned my light on in room I was like a frightened little kid or something I felt like.I don't want to tell people I know cause don't want them to think I'm crazy or something which I know I am not. Make sure to check out our page about the causes of sleep paralysis, if you're interested in why it happens.īeing held down hearing a humming groaning noise A great read.Īnyone else have their own tips for exercising some control over sleep paralysis episodes? You can check it out here if you're interested.įrom coordinating signals with bed partners to riding episodes into lucid dreams, it's all there.

#Dont call me up i might let you down full#

I don't have any tricks from personal experience, but a guy named Ryan Hurd wrote a book recently that's full of them. SP is always incredible to read about-from the invisible force, to the pressure, to the eerie feelings, to the unique feelings that each person experiences differently. Thanks for reading this.james mcleary s/p sufferer :-) I have become accustomed to these episodes and can usually get out of the "grip" by sticking out my tongue or giving my body a good jerk but this episode was different and lasted for what seemed like hours.ĭoes anyone have any tricks to get out of the phenomenon? I also felt like something eerie was in the room with me because i heard some very low pitched "groaning" throughout the episode. I could not yell out, much as i tried to, i could not move a muscle and the more i tried to move, the tighter a hold it had on me.

dont call me up i might let you down

I was lying face down and it felt like someone or something was sitting between my shoulder blades and pulling my arms back as far as they could go, i felt like i was suffocating too and at one point thought i was going to die.

Dont call me up i might let you down